This blog was originally started to better help me understand the technologies in the CCIE R&S blueprint; after completing the R&S track I have decided to transition the blog into a technology blog.

CCIE #29033

This blog will continue to include questions, troubleshooting scenarios, and references to existing and new technologies but will grow to include a variety of different platforms and technologies. Currently I have created over 185 questions/answers in regards to the CCIE R&S track!! Note: answers are in the comment field or within "Read More" section.

You can also follow me on twitter @FE80CC1E

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Question 186

What is IEEE 802.3af?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Embedded Event Manager - Interface - No Shut

event manager applet F0/1
 event syslog pattern "Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to down"
 action 1.0 cli command "enable"
 action 1.1 cli command "config terminal"
 action 1.2 cli command "interface fas 0/1"
 action 1.3 cli command "no shut"
 action 9.5 syslog msg "FastEthernet0/1 is UP leveraging EEM"

Note: I cannot get EEM running properly with Dynamips. You can test EEM one of two ways - You can generate the event by shutting down the interface or set the event to none "event none" and then run the "event manger run" command. "event manager run F0/1"

Update: I have got this to work Dynamips using 3660 Version 12.4(15)T14