This blog was originally started to better help me understand the technologies in the CCIE R&S blueprint; after completing the R&S track I have decided to transition the blog into a technology blog.

CCIE #29033

This blog will continue to include questions, troubleshooting scenarios, and references to existing and new technologies but will grow to include a variety of different platforms and technologies. Currently I have created over 185 questions/answers in regards to the CCIE R&S track!! Note: answers are in the comment field or within "Read More" section.

You can also follow me on twitter @FE80CC1E

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Question 136

When doing "debug ip ospf packets" what do the following fields mean?

OSPF: rcv. v:2 t:1 l:48 rid:
      aid: chk:3437 aut:0 auk: from 
serial 0/1


Packets Analyzed said...

This list includes all possible fields.

Field: Description

v: OSPF Version
T: OSPF Packet Type 1-Hello,2-Data description, 3-Link state request, 4-Link state update, 5-Link state ack
l: OSPF packet length in bytes
rid: OSPF router ID
aid: OSPF area ID
chk: OSPF checksum
aut: OSPF authentication type 0-No auth, 1-Simple, 2 MD5
keyid: MD5 key ID
seq: Sequence number

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