interface FastEthernet0/1
custom-queue-list 1
queue-list 1 protocol ip 2 tcp smtp
queue-list 1 protocol ip 1 tcp www
queue-list 1 protocol ip 1 tcp ftp
queue-list 1 protocol ip 1 tcp ftp-data
queue-list 1 default 3
queue-list 1 queue 1 byte-count 4500
queue-list 1 queue 3 byte-count 9000
sh queueing custom
Current custom queue configuration:
List Queue Args
1 3 default
1 2 protocol ip tcp port smtp
1 1 protocol ip tcp port www
1 1 protocol ip tcp port ftp
1 1 protocol ip tcp port ftp-data
1 1 byte-count 4500
1 3 byte-count 9000
This is Custom Queuing
The default byte-count is 1500 and therefore the following byte counts in the configuration are
Queue 1 - 4500
Queue 2 - 1500 (does not show up in running-config as it is the default setting)
Queue 3 - 9000
We have decided to make 1500 = %10 and therefore
Queue 1 - %30
Queue 2 - %10
Queue 3 - %60
All Queues %100
This simplifies the calculation of bandwidth percentages, for example: If the question stated that FTP, FTP-data and WWW should have %30, SMTP %10, and everything else %60, making the default 1500 = %10 simplifies the calculations as we then use this number and multiple it accordingly
%10 X 6 = %60 therefore 1500 X 6 = 9000
%10 X 3 = %30 therefore 1500 X 3 = 3000
The following protocols are assigned to the following queues
Queue 1 – tcp, www, ftp, ftp-data
Queue 2 – tcp, smtp
Queue 3 - All others
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