GPRS - (General Packet Radio Service)
GPRS is used in more that 200 countries and is used in 2G and 3 G cellular networks. Packet orientated mobile data service that offers best effort service. GPRS extends the GSM packet circuit switched data capabilities and offers the following services
-Internet Access (Always on)
-MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)
-PoC/PTT (Push to talk over cellular)
-Instant Messaging and Presence
-Internet Applications using WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
-P2P (Point to Point service inter-networking with IP
GPRS connection is established by leveraging its APN (Access Point Name). APN is used to define services such as SMS, MMS, WAP, and internet communication to services such as WWW and email.
Exploring the Splunk Web Interface | Major Features and Preferences Welcome
to this in-depth guide to the Splunk Web interface! In this video, we
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